Cub Scouts is adventure, family, fun, and character development for boys and girls grades K-5.
Winter Camp
We had a great time at Winter Camp this last weekend. We ended up with a smaller group, but had a great time in the snow and some great food!
Lions Program Becomes a Permanent Update to Cubs
The Lion Pilot kindergarten program is complete, and BSA has announced that Lions are the newest permanent addition to Cub Scouts! Lion programming is tailored especially for kindergarten-age boys and girls. Lions must be 5 years old by September 30 and not yet 7 years.
Girls Welcome to Join Cub Scouts
Pack 76 has joined the new Family Scouting movement. Like most Scouting organizations around the world, BSA now offers Packs the option to welcome both boys and girls into their Packs. We’ve had plenty of sisters as “honorary Scouts” for years, and we are thrilled to have them join our ranks in uniform and officially earn their ranks.
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